Our Story

In 2012 our daughter Courtney started a small business that we called Courtney Creations. She began it during a time when I was very sick. We worked a lot together and it seemed to help us both take the worries of the days off our mind. But as all children do, Courtney grew up and soon was off to college and pursuing other dreams. She really encouraged me to keep the business going as she knew it would be good for me. So, I did. But I kept the name Courtney's Creations as a way to honor all her hard work in starting a business. Now Courtney is married to her wonderful husband Mac Brittain and has achieved her dream of becoming a wedding coordinator. But she has continued to push me to work hard at this business on my own.

Recently we discussed changing the name and decided on "Shine with Grace Boutique." I am able to offer such a variety of items that we felt like "Boutique" should be added to the name. The part of "Shine with Grace" was easy. My Papa and Grandma were two people that truly impacted each and every day of my life and my children's life. My Papa's nickname was Shine and my Grandma's name was Grace. Shine with Grace just seemed to flow. It seems to be a way I can honor their memory. They themselves were quite the entrepreneurs too, owning 3 businesses at one time. But it's also how I want to live my everyday life. I want to shine with grace to everyone I meet. Jesus has also greatly impacted my life and I want His light to shine through me in all I do.

meet the owner

Hi! I'm Tiffany

I want to extend the same grace He has given me to others. Each day I am thankful for the opportunity He gives me just to be. I'm a pretty simple person. I really do love my job and am so thankful my husband Chris puts up with it all. He's the best! I love spending time with my family, watching Duke basketball and professional tennis. My favorite season is fall because I love it when the air gets crisp and cooler here in Georgia. I am thankful for each new day and look forward to all that God has in store. And I am thankful for you, my customers.

If I can serve you in any way, please let me know.

Tiffany Palmer